On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 06:47:32PM +0300, Oz Nahum wrote:
> And yes I do inteand to do some long term work on this. The reason I started


> It'll probably take a few months before I complete this project. I decided
> to spent not more than 20 min. a day because I have a Master's thesis to
> submit. But in the mean while I started.

Trust me, you will never complete it, it's too much. But a translation of the
most important pages would be a good start.

> So, can I send you the html and css files ?

No, HTML is useless. Please obtain the English WML file (I sent you a
link) and replace the English text with your translation.

Aport from the header and footer the WML file is nearly identical to
HTML, so you can probably just copy large parts.

> Where do I apply for an acount (I guess the answer is among those pages, but
> if you could save me some reading I'll translate a little bit more -
> eventually I'll read and translate it, but it'll take some time :-) ).

I suggest to ask for an account later. First please provide some files
and show us your skills.

> On Mon, Jun 16, 2008 at 6:38 PM, Tommi Vainikainen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

PS: Please quote properly (such as I did :-))


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