Il giorno Sun, 23 Dec 2007 19:08:09 -0200
"Felipe Augusto van de Wiel (faw)" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ha scritto:

> On 23-12-2007 18:43, David Paleino wrote:
> > 
> > I think I've solved this problem, [...]
>       IMHO, no. Every language copy the English file, translate
> it and add a header called translation-check, how are you going
> to update all the languages?

I got an idea about this. I was thinking of getting packages descriptions from
DDTP files (Translation-<lang>). Isn't it possible to do something like
(writing PHP-style, since I don't know WML):

    include ("data/packages.html")

This way, translators should only translate the header and the footer, since
the "inner data" is already translated from DDTP (or, if not, is in English).
But probably this might be a problem, since Charles told me that the pages
_must_ be fully translated. In this case we would have partially-translated
pages, if all the descriptions on DDTP are not available.

> Not only that, but if you do that on gluck we will have webmirrors
> out-of-date. And, if this is only "meta data" to be update, specially machine
> readable, there is no point in update it _before_ the wwwbuild, let the build
> process do it in a consistent way for all languages and allowing all
> webmirrors to sync the up-to-date file.

This would need patching wwwbuild though. I wanted to take a less "aggressive"

>       I don't know exactly what you want to change on the
> pages so I can't give better hints/tips/info because I don't
> know exactly the problem is.

Those pages are manually updated. My script would just take the packages from
the task files I linked before, and update the pages accordingly.

> But you have mainly two ways to go: (1) use an external source of data for
> the changes you want and (2) use an internal (committed to the CVS) source
> of data.

You're coming to my previous point here: isn't it possible to have an "include"
command in WML (/me is googling for that) to get external HTML / XHTML / WML
sources? In that case, the only problem would be the write access to CVS for
the script.

> ...
>       Try to avoid mess with the .wml files itself because
> it will generate extra work for translators if you commit
> such update every hour.

It wasn't meant to be run that often ;)

> You can learn more about the website infrastructure here:

I'm going to read it. :)

Thank you,

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