On Thursday 29 November 2007, Frans Pop wrote:
> On Thursday 29 November 2007, Steve Kemp wrote:
> > On Thu Nov 29, 2007 at 13:09:34 +0100, Frans Pop wrote:
> > > You don't seem to be replying to the translation issue for the main
> > > audit advisories page.
> >
> >  I thought I was, or at least my failure to answer wasn't deliberate.
> >  I said that the files were there in CVS, and now you're suggesting
> > they are not.
> There are two issues:
> 1) http://www.debian.org/security/audit/advisories.html
>    The wml for this page is in CVS, has been translated, but translations
>    are not getting build.
> > > For that translations of the wml file _are_ available and
> > > have been updated, but the builds fail for some reason.
> >
> > The build failure is a seperate issue to translations, so I'll ignore
> > it. (Mostly on the grounds that I'm not terribly familiar with WML.)
> OK. Then I hope that someone else can look into that.

Looking at the Makefile in the english directory, the problem is probably 
that it refers to the data dir in the current directory. But of course the 
translations do not have a data dir in _their_ current directory.

I have no idea how to fix that while still ensuring that both the English 
pages and translations get rebuilt when the data changes.

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