Osamu Aoki wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2007 at 09:59:37AM +0200, Martin Schulze wrote:
> > Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> > > - you can have control on the members of your team without the need
> > >   to ask DSA to add or remove someone
> > 
> > Has this been a major problem in the past?
> Yes to some extent for DDP.

I thought we were talking about webwml and not DDP.

(I agree that DDP has a problem, and since it doesn't have a maintainer
like [EMAIL PROTECTED] it's more difficult from my perspective, but that's
o-t here).

> But in principle, GForge like system removes one bottleneck.  In
> volunteer project such as debian, local control is better than having
> higher level interventions, if this is done securely for well defined
> limited scope.

I have some problems with this approach since being able to commit
to webwml means being able to execute arbitrary code on www-master
which is currently the same as security-master.  Thus, having only
limited write access and a controlled way to expand this, is actually
a feature, imho.

> Since we have no read access to www.debian.org these days, I have no
> idea how it is done there.

Parse error.  (or semantic error)



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