On Fri, Aug 17, 2007 at 07:38:26PM +0200, Raphael Hertzog wrote:
> Alioth also supports CVS, so if you want to keep CVS, you can do that as
> well. But I encourage you to switch to something else and I can help you to
> convert the repository if needed.

As I've said in the -doc mailing list I'd rather not lose contributor's
history. In the website case specially because of #238245, #192748 and
#388141 (short summary: we are considering relicensing all of the contents of
the web pages)

I personally don't see which benefits SVN would bring to the website which
the website developer's themselves find lacking. It might be just me, but
even though I acknowledge all the nice features of SVN (and use it in some
other projects) I don't see switching VCS is something we need to do.

Moving to Alioth is, however, a nice thing.



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