On Tue, Aug 21, 2007 at 06:56:45AM -0600, Debian WWW CVS wrote:
> CVSROOT:      /cvs/webwml
> Module name:  webwml
> Changes by:   nori    07/08/21 06:56:45
> Modified files:
>       finnish/CD/http-ftp: index.wml 
> Log message:
>       Use — instead of "-" in the English page.  Sync with English 1.40
>       for other languages.

Hi nori,

I agree that using typographic mdash instead of - is preferred. (The
last argument against it was from Joey (probably in DWN) many years ago.
He argued that not all browser/fonts support it. This is no longer a
valid argument and we should report bugs against the fonts if we notice

But please note that e.g. German doesn't use mdash at all (except maybe
to start a enumeration where it could be replaced with any charcater
such as "*" or "o", ... as well). German uses ndash with surrounding
spaces -- as demonstrated here -- in constrast to English---which uses
according to The TeXBook---no spaces at all.

It's not critical. A simple grep -r mdash will show us all occurances
and it can be corrected globally. Just to let you know ...


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