Noah Meyerhans wrote:
> (resurrecting this thread...)
> On Sun, Jan 07, 2007 at 06:33:14PM +0100, Luk Claes wrote:
>>>>> A Google search for "debian upgrade reports" (no quotes) returns a page
>>>>> [0] that is out of date since it is a template for a woody -> sarge
>>> --> [0] is
>> ...
>>> That being said, attached is a patch to the current upgrade-report.html page
>>> to add additional information (and do not make it depend on a specific 
>>> Debian
>>> release). I think it's worthwhile mentioning that the user's should use
>>> script if they want to provide accurate information (the Release Notes
>>> already say this, but stressing this here too might lead to more useful bug
>>> reports)
>> Patch committed.
> The page still contains at least two references to woody. See attached
> proposed patch.

I removed the references to woody, I'm not convinced about the other proposed
changes, so didn't apply them.

> Is that page intended to be used as a template while etch is still
> "testing", or after the etch release when people are upgrading from
> oldstable to stable?  If the latter, then it should also be updated to
> refer to the latest stable release notes, rather than
>  (I can see how
> one might argue that we no longer need the upgrade reports after etch
> is released, but I don't know that I agree.)

It's always possible to change the template after release ;-)



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