On Sun, Dec 24, 2006 at 10:48:52AM +0100, Andreas Barth wrote:
> * Roberto C. Sanchez ([EMAIL PROTECTED]) [061224 02:10]:
> > A Google search for "debian upgrade reports" (no quotes) returns a page
> > [0] that is out of date since it is a template for a woody -> sarge
> > upgrade.  I would like to recommend that it either be updated or
> > replaced with a redirection to a more current page (if one such page
> > does exist).
> And recommendation which new page to choose for this?
I am not sure.  I Google searched, but could not find one, which is why
I added "(if one such page does exist)" at the end.  If one doesn't,
one of the release team members could probably just update with
information relevant to the Sarge -> Etch upgrade.



Roberto C. Sanchez

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