Hi !
I am very glad to join your fantastic community !
As a website developer, i would suggest some changes in the web pages :
  o  when you link to a paragraph inside the page : <a href="#about">about</a>
     the target anchor should not contain the title of the paragraph : <a 
     Instead it should be empty : <a name="about"></a> ABOUT
     why ? Simply because in mozilla the title is highlighted on hover as if it 
was a link.

  o  i was also wondering why don't you indent the tags in the source code :
     the source code look a little messy, and its not very pleasant to see.

  o  all the languages in the bottom of the page should begin with capital 
letters (Polski not polski)

In the debian.css stylesheet i  suggest the following :

  o #serverselect :
    . remove top:0; and right:0; ( useless )
  o #serverselect p :
    . add margin-top:0; to make the display of identical in both explorer and 
      it will be aligned then to top
      you can set it to 15px to make it aligned with the logo text.
  o h1,h2:
    . margin  must be set : iexplore and mozilla compatibility
    . h1: margin:15px; is nice
    . h2: margin:0;margin-top:10px;margin-bottom:5px;
  o hr:
    . its insufficient to set border-bottom to 0
      hr{height:0;border:0;border-bottom:1px solid #ccc;}
      to make mozilla and iexplore display it the same way
  o #outer>#inner :
    . doesn't work in iexplorer
    . instead
        #footer{border-top: 1px solid #BFC3DC;}
        #inner{border-bottom: 1px solid #BFC3DC;}
  o #serverselect p input
    . set padding:0px;
    . and replace <input value=" Go " type="submit"> by <input 
value="&nbsp;Go&nbsp;" type="submit">
  o Some style :
    . #inner {font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif;font-size: 94%;}
    . h1{font-size: 2em;color:#158;}
    . h2{font-size: 1.2em;color:#445e66;}

I hope these hints will be useful
If you want other suggestions i will be glad to help you.

thanx in advance

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