I’m sorry to disturb you once more, but, the situation
is getting really worst here people are still
contacting me (those who read my address/phone # on
your site) and I lost my pacience, then they insult me
and I insult then. If they meet me/come to me and
injure me (or in an very extreme case even kill me or
I kill then to defend myself), you must take the
responsability. You could have avoid this conflicts,
who else can do it now? So, you will take the legal
liability (including compesantion for possible
damages) for the problem, if there is one in the
future. Sorry but it’s about my private life.
Thanks for your time.

 --- Cord Beermann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escreveu: 

> No way. at least if you try that.
> End Of Discussion.
> Cord

> ATTACHMENT part 2 application/pgp-signature

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