Op vr, 10-12-2004 te 09:24 -0300, schreef Francisco Cesar da Silva:
> I’m sorry to disturb you once more, but, the situation
> is getting really worst here people are still
> contacting me (those who read my address/phone # on
> your site) and I lost my pacience, then they insult me
> and I insult then.

Shit happens.

> If they meet me/come to me and
> injure me (or in an very extreme case even kill me or
> I kill then to defend myself),

Surely you must be joking.

> you must take the
> responsability.

Only if you can convince a judge that it's Debian's fault that people
were killed. Good luck.

It's Debian's policy not to remove data from its list archives. /ever/.
That includes data which you don't want to be there, or even sensitive

If you don't want to have it appear online, you shouldn't have sent it
in the first place.

Wouter Verhelst
Louizastraat 14, 2800 Mechelen
T:+32 15 27 69 50 / F:+32 15 27 60 51 / M:+32 486 836 198

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