On Fri, Nov 19, 2004 at 10:13:58PM +0100, Martin Schulze wrote:
> Mike Hommey wrote:
> > On Wed, Nov 17, 2004 at 01:38:00PM +0100, Jutta Wrage wrote:
> > > For now you may try http://www.witch.westfalen.de/debian/index12.html 
> > > with lynx and css browser, to see, how things can be in text version 
> > > but not visible in css version (Quick site navigation).
> > 
> > Well, that's cool, but now comes the stupid question:
> > While at it, why not just change the whole look ?
> If you change everything, people will be confused and probably don't
> like it.  Please use small steps if at all.  
> Please also take into account that the entire design needs to be placed
> into the templates and not the content files, that wml is used, that
> there may be tools that parse the website (/News/weekly/makemail.pl
> comes into my mind, and if you break that, a lot of people will hate
> you)

And you know what ? Making the code cleaner will *help* website that
parse the content.

> > 1. That's still available on http://glandium.org/debian/www.html though
> >    the url might change in the near future since i'm heavily reorganising
> >    my website. It seems I did that a year ago, according to the dates of
> >    security alerts.
> The list of translations is unacceptable long due to the vertical list in
> lynx.

The *list* of translations is a *list*. It therefore has to be a *list*.
It just doesn't have its place on every single page.


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