Hi, From: Gerfried Fuchs <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Subject: Re: Which does "A" in "DSA" mean, "Alert" or "Advisory"? Date: Thu, 20 May 2004 16:14:17 +0200
> > I also changed "SuSE Security Alert" to "SuSE Security Announcement". > > Where? Have you checked if that naming was correct at the time of the > writing? I guess they call it even differently these days, because they > are now SUSE and not SuSE anymore, too. I guess we shall stick with the > naming that they used at the time of the writing.... Here is the page linked as "SuSE Security Announcement" from security/1999/19990330.wml (Previously "SuSE Security Alert"). http://seclists.org/lists/bugtraq/1999/Mar/0216.html This page has a title of "Bugtraq: SuSE Security Announcement - XFree86". The page contains a PGP-signed message which include a title of "SeSE Security Announcement" (though I have not validate the sign), thus I guess it is not likely that the page was modified later. I have not checked further. --- Tomohiro KUBOTA <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> http://www.debian.or.jp/~kubota/