Frank Lichtenheld wrote:
> [CCed [EMAIL PROTECTED], see below]
> On Wed, Mar 24, 2004 at 10:03:25AM +0100, Martin Schulze wrote:
> > we should probably list the reasons why software cannot be packaged
> > for Debian and distributed on hosts on the proper page[1].
> > Most of the times this is the result of a (rather long) discussion on
> > debian-legal.  A summary would help people understand the problems
> > with packaging.
> I find this a good idea. The problem is that someone needs to read
> debian-legal and then write summaries. I for myself will not read
> another high volume mailing list. I talked with Andreas Barth (aba)
> last week about something similar (Licence summaries from debian-legal
> on www.d.o/legal) and offered to him to do the initial wml coding if he
> provides the contents but heard nothing back since then.

It wouldn't be the first time I'd summarise something from debian-legal.
There are also kind people who are able to point out mistakes in the
summary, so we can create proper documentation at least.

For non-free license it would also be good to document why we consider
a given license non-free, true.  This simplifies things a lot when
another poor package is released using such a license.

> So, all for it, but we need someone who offers to do the work (as
> always).

Why is it me so often...



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