
we should probably list the reasons why software cannot be packaged
for Debian and distributed on .debian.org hosts on the proper page[1].
Most of the times this is the result of a (rather long) discussion on
debian-legal.  A summary would help people understand the problems
with packaging.

For squeak, it says: "license issues" for example, but the page
doesn't clarify which issues are keeping squeak out of Debian.  If
somebody should be out there, with loads of time and energy, and
wishes to fix these problems, it would be helpful to know which issues
he has to address with Apple exactly.

Same for mplayer, it also says "license issues" but mplayer is
released under the GPL, how can this be a problem?  Thus it would be
quite helpful if we could document why the overall license GPL is not
the problem but what is the problem exactly.

Comments?  Ideas?

 1. http://www.debian.org/devel/wnpp/unable-to-package



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