* Andre Lehovich <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2004-03-23 17:00]:
> Requests for Debian to swap links with other organizations
> seem to be a regular thing.  (Another one just came through
> today).  The usual answer seems to be no.  Does Debian have
> a formal policy on this?

 Our page is ranked through content, not exchanged links. What for
should we do link exchange? I personally don't see any reason behind it,
especially things that have nothing to do at all with the Debian

 About security links: That has to be discussed with the security team.
But they turned down already other neo security communities that aren't
widely known. If I remember correctly the reasoning was that it confuses
the people and CVE is there for a reason: it is a central repository and
doesn't require people to follow loads of other pages, too.

 So long,
Die Disney-Themenparks sind nach den Terroranschlägen vom 11. September 2001
und der daraufhin rückläufigen Reiseaktivitäten in die Krise gerutscht. [....]
Disney versucht dem mit neuen Attraktionen gegenzusteuern wie der für kommendes
Jahr geplanten Eröffnung eines "Tower of Terror".  -- pte.at/pte/?pte=031015028

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