era eriksson wrote: > As reported in <>, some back issues of > DWN have broken links to (then) "new and noteworthy" packages. It > appears that packages will get moved to a different section from time > to time, meaning that the URLs you have posted for those packages will > no longer work.
This is true, unfortunately. The web team needs to fix these links manually. The best you could do is drop a line to Jens Seidel <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>. > Bug #133896 is tagged "wontfix" which I interpret to mean that the > are not willing to handle these broken links with > redirects, and/or fix broken links to "new and noteworthy" packages in > the web archive of DWN. No redirects, yes. Needs to be fixed manually on occasion. > In order to prevent similar breakage in the future, do you think you > could use URLs of the form <<package>> > rather than an explicit link into unstable/<section>/<package>? This > will also allow users to see when a package enters testing (and > eventually, stable) if they use a link from an old issue of DWN. I thought about this already, but it would introduce another indirection which I don't like. Since normally the section isn't changed too often and not several times within the beginning of a package, the current situation seemed acceptable. Regards, Joey -- Have you ever noticed that "General Public Licence" contains the word "Pub"?