As reported in <>, some back issues of DWN have broken links to (then) "new and noteworthy" packages. It appears that packages will get moved to a different section from time to time, meaning that the URLs you have posted for those packages will no longer work.
Bug #133896 is tagged "wontfix" which I interpret to mean that the are not willing to handle these broken links with redirects, and/or fix broken links to "new and noteworthy" packages in the web archive of DWN. In order to prevent similar breakage in the future, do you think you could use URLs of the form <<package>> rather than an explicit link into unstable/<section>/<package>? This will also allow users to see when a package enters testing (and eventually, stable) if they use a link from an old issue of DWN. Thanks in advance for considering this, /* era */ -- formail -s procmail < > cat | more | cat<>