Andre Lehovich wrote:

All web browsers should have "Provides: www-browser" in the
package description.  So a command like:
$ apt-cache search www-browser

Thanks for the tips.

I looked at Mozilla: it uses which
should be updated to

Also I looked at Galeon; and it can import bookmarks
from several other systems such as Mozilla so we get
the same links there too.

However lynx did not appear to have any bookmarks
associated with it, is this correct?

will get you the full list.  I don't think there is a
systemwide booksmarks file, but I could be wrong.

I have not found one though Mozilla's bookmarks are used
by at least one other program. Netscape defined the
bookmark format (looks mostly like HTML) so I guess it
should be usable for a lot of browsers.

Maintaining multiple bookmark files seem wasteful, would
it be an idea to have one common? Using for instance the
framework from dmoz, limiting the depth a bit, would make
filing own bookmarks more structured.

   Stein Gjoen

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