
On Thu, Jan 15, 2004 at 12:06:53AM +0100, Stein Gjoen wrote:
> Hello,
> I am member of The Linux Documentation Project (TLDP)
>       < http://www.tldp.org >
> and am working on in improving coverage of the document
> collection. Since both projects value freedom and aims at
> producing free systems, I hope we can find a common interest.


> I have been busy installing Debian 3.0r1 the last few weeks
> and noticed several tools had premade link lists such as
> web links and RSS links.
> TLDP was not listed many places I was looking.

Hmmm, you should have posted to [EMAIL PROTECTED] if it is for web page.

  --> click Documentation on the left column
  --> You see HOWTOs and click
      You have all the key TLDP document listed and index pages.

The only thing missing is words "The Linux Documentation Project" for me.

> Would it be possible to have links added to
> - TLDP home page
> - ... with language specific pages listed
> - TLDP Weekly News
> - RSS feed (for our weekly news)
> - link to TLDP archives on disk (Debian has an archive)

That should be addressed to [EMAIL PROTECTED] (CCed)

> This affects many packages, from web pages for web browsers and
> ticker readers to premade web bookmarks and RSS lists. I simply
> have no idea just how many packages there are and how I could
> reach the maintainers efficiently. Rather than trying to file a
> bug report for every package I am hoping that I can reach the
> right people more efficiently here.

As for Mozzila, TLDP is preset link as I see it.

For each package you find (RSS thingy?), it may be best to file bug
report.  See http://www.debian.org/Bugs/

> Considering maintenence releases such as r1 do not include
> updates of documentation it seems important to get this done
> before next Debian release and I don't know the time tables
> planned.

Actually, this is a good point.  Current release process do not do this.
I wish release manager change their mind on release policy.

Release of sarge was planned on December last year.  So I think it will
be soon.

Best regards,


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