Le lun 12/01/2004 à 20:38, Alexander Winston a écrit :
> Currently, on <http://www.debian.org/devel/todo/>, we have a list of
> things to be done that users and developers can work on, though some are
> fairly limited to developers. I propose adding
> <http://debian.vitavonni.de/packagebrowser/> and especially
> <http://debian.vitavonni.de/packagebrowser/?tags=not-yet-tagged> as
> things that can be assisted with by ordinary users or folks that do not
> have official Debian developer status yet.

Is it meant to become a part of the project at some time?
 .''`.           Josselin Mouette        /\./\
: :' :           [EMAIL PROTECTED]
`. `'                        [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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