* Mark Trompell <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-11-04 17:30]:
> In my opinion it would be nice to have a link to the homepage of a 
> project in the discription on packages.debian.org.

 That's up to the package maintainer, everything included in the
description of a package is displayed there. There is no current field
currently in the control file for the packages to have the upstream URL
so the package description is the only place that will get you a link on
the package page.

 On the other hand there is packages.qa.debian.org where there is an
entry where package maintainers can add upstream URLs (see the
packages.qa.d.o page for tetrinet[1], e.g.). The packages.qa.d.o page is
linked from the packages.d.o page and even there it is up to the package
maintainer to include such a link.

 So pretty please bug the package maintainers to include the links,
there is nothing the web team can do about it if they don't offer the
link in the one or the other way.

 So long,
[1] <http://packages.qa.debian.org/tetrinet>
> Wie schwer ist denn ein Bit?
Das hängt natürlich davon ab, ob es gesetzt oder nicht gesetzt ist.
         -- de.sci.electronics, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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