On Mon, Aug 18, 2003 at 10:41:21AM -0400, Anthony DeRobertis wrote:
> On Sunday, Aug 17, 2003, at 19:50 US/Eastern, Andrew Suffield wrote:
> >>I thought
> >>
> >>       <li>As a last resort, if you haven't received any offers for a
> >>or
> >>
> >>       <li>As a last resort, if you didn't receive any offers for a
> >>
> >>are the only acceptable forms in my Japanese junior high school days.
> >
> >Both of these are valid on their own, but the latter conflicts with
> >the tense of the rest of the paragraph - "haven't received" is recent
> >past, "didn't receive" is distant past.
> I didn't receive any replies by the deadline. [and can't now, because 
> the deadline was yesterday]
> I haven't received any replies. [Though I still may receive some]
> "haven't received" is present perfect, no "recent past." A very nice 
> tense, really.

Same thing; you're looking at the endpoint, and I'm looking at the
(non-)event. The nature of this tense is that it is both past and

[I picked that description because Japanese doesn't really *have* a
present perfect tense (at least, not in the same form), and I wanted
to stick to common ground.]

> >"A few weeks after registering, if you still haven't received any
> >offers, then you can send e-mail to <email [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >telling them precisely where you live (give the names of some big
> >cities close to you)."
> Alternatively, "If you don't receive any offers within a few weeks of 
> registering, then you may [not can, you always can]...."

Always "may", too. I'm not sure this changes anything.

> Now, "precisely" and some close big cities don't seem to fit together 
> too well. Maybe, "...telling them precisely where you live as well as 
> the closest major cities."

Offhand I get this:

"A few weeks after registering, if you still haven't received any
offers, then you can send e-mail to <email [EMAIL PROTECTED]>
telling them precisely where you live, and giving the names of some
big cities close to you."

  .''`.  ** Debian GNU/Linux ** | Andrew Suffield
 : :' :  http://www.debian.org/ |
 `. `'                          |
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