On Thu, May 08, 2003 at 10:49:21AM +0800, Andrew Shugg wrote:

If we're going to get in to grammar...

> The phrase following the semicolon doesn't make sense on its own.  The
> sentence looks ugly if you replace the ';' with ',' so I would suggest a
> partial rewrite like this:
>   Manoj has been Project secretary since April 2001; he took up the
>   position after the previous office bearer, Darren Benham, faded away
>   out of the Project.

"previous office bearer" is really awkward. How about "previous secretary"?

> Also, I'm not sure but "Current Incumbent" might be a tautology; my
> reading of 'incumbent' is 'person currently holding office'.  So how
> about "Current Officebearer", "Current Secretary" or "About Our
> Secretary (2001 to present)"?

Again, "office bearer" is really ugly.

Duncan Findlay

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