* Frank Lichtenheld <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-04-21 17:59]:
> On Mon, Apr 21, 2003 at 01:57:32PM +0200, Kaare Olsen wrote:
>> And now you can't trace updates to the English translation, the one your 
>> translation is still based on.  What if there are errors (i.e. an 
>> incorrect link or a missing paragraph) in the English translation which 
>> gets fixed?  You wouldn't know since the original could be correct and 
>> hence not updated.
> Ok, I see your point here. So it's a matter of priorities: Is it more
> important that I am informed on changes to the English file by the
> stattrans.pl statistics or is it more important that the user sees
> that he gets a page that is outdated.

 That's the wrong question.  The later is just a side-effect of the
former functionality that was found as a good adition, I guess.  If you
don't base your translation on the swedish one you should NEVER EVER
change the translation-check to the swedish one.  You would get swedish
diffs for your page that way that most of your co-translators won't
understand (and I even think that _you_ don't understand them neither).

> This not so important for this particular page but I also changed the
> translation check header in german/international/Russian.wml where the
> English translation is very old.

 Then bug the russian team to update the
english/international/Russion.wml file!  DON'T CHANGE THE

> The English user can recognise this because of the translation check,
> but the German user got no hint since the German page is up-to-date
> with the english one. This was not acceptable for me.

 So please fix it at the _correct_ place and don't work against the
translation handling!  It's a horror to keep the german (or any other)
translation up to date if you do that.  It's simply _WRONG_.

> I have other possibilities to recognise changes to the english file
> (like debian-www-cvs), too.

 That's nice, but you are not the only person fiddling around with the
german website, and all the other translators _depend_ on the
stattrans.pl feature like getting the diff and such.

>> Then at least add a comment to your translation, saying that it is 
>> actually based on English version x.y, otherwise you're the only one who 
>> knows. :-)  But I still think that you should point to the language your 
>> translation is based on.
> This is a good point. But it is clearly only a workaround.

 A workaround for a broken workaround, yes :-/  Don't harden the work
for the translations for your fellow translators.  Please try to play
nice with them.

> Perhaps I will really try to implement the chain check I spoke about.
> Sounds like some nice Perl hacking :)

 Wish you much sucess there.  If you haven't done it yet I'll change the
translation-check headers back to the file that we base our translations
upon, thank you.

"there's only one race and that's the human race
 and every human being's got the right to feel safe"
                                  -- Clawfinger, "What Are You Afraid Of?"

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