On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 04:01:51PM +0100, Agustín Martín Domingo wrote:
> I was just to ask about this. The problem is that there is no 
> independent canonical source for the policy document, since it is part 
> of the sources of the dictionaries-common package and is generated from 
> it and included in the dictionaries-common-dev package.

Er, so why does the web page say that SF is the canonical place to get it
from, and the dictionaries-common package has a slightly outdated version?

If the best version is in the package, then even better, I'll just extract
it with a script and put it on the web pages.

> >Arguably, SF provides nicer facilities for maintaining stuff. However, we
> >do have CVS access via CVS and HTTP, and the people listed as authors are
> >all developers so they already have access.
> But there are other people in the project that are still not DD, 
> although they are no policy authors.

This is not a problem, any developer can add new CVS accounts in the
debian-doc tree.

> We should also migrate mailing lists and really not many things more.

Now, this might take some time to get done on lists.d.o. (Even though I'm
also one of [EMAIL PROTECTED], I can't promise anything :)

> We do not use neither the sf release facilities nor their bug tracking
> mechanism, but we would need some space with group write permission, so
> any of us can update the apt repository.

This is also not too much of a problem.

All in all, I'd be happy that you would just consider the move eventually.
Maybe even to a Debian Sourceforge if it ever gets set up (it's planned but
stalled due to some hardware problems). We'll patch something up in the

> Javi, should I keep on cc'ing you?

I'm pretty sure he reads the -www list.

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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