On Thu, Jan 23, 2003 at 01:08:23PM +0100, Javier Fernández-Sanguino Pe?a wrote:
> > I can easily modify the Makefile I use for uploading the policy 
> > documents to make it upload in sync to sourceforge and to somewhere 
> > under the Debian hierarchy. The only question is where should I upload 
> > to, if I need a special account there and so on.
> Where to: I would suggest ddp/manuals.sgml/dict-policy. Maybe you should
> send a mail to debian-doc, however, just to make sure that's fine.
> Account: your official Debian account should grant you access to the DDP's
> CVS through SSH, just ask for write permissions to the DDP CVS area as
> described in:
> http://www.debian.org/doc/cvs

One thing I'd also explain is that Javier is asking (and I support this)
that you put the canonical source of the dict/spell policy on the Debian CVS
server. This doesn't mean modifying a makefile to copy both on SF and in
the Debian web site, it means basing yourself on this CVS tree.

Arguably, SF provides nicer facilities for maintaining stuff. However, we do
have CVS access via CVS and HTTP, and the people listed as authors are all
developers so they already have access.

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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