Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
> * Martin Schulze <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2003-01-16 21:49]:
> > Makefile.local is created by a perlie that first reads all local
> > foo-report.wml files and prints "foo.wml: foo-report.wml" (or was it
> > "foo.$(LANG).html: foo-report.wml").  Then, if LANG is not english, it
> > repeats in $ENGLISHDIR, but limits the output to those foo.wml files
> > that weren't printed out yet.
> > 
> > For the index file, if there is a foo-report.wml file either in the
> > local or in the $ENGLISHDIR directory, it prints "index.wml: files".
> > 
> > The Makefile.local file is regularily regenerated.
>  Sounds like an idea that could work.  Are you going to try it?  :)

No need to try, I already use self-modifying Makefiles.

What about this patch and the attached script?

Index: Makefile
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/events/2002/Makefile,v
retrieving revision 1.1
diff -u -r1.1 Makefile
--- Makefile    10 Nov 2001 20:17:09 -0000      1.1
+++ Makefile    17 Jan 2003 20:52:25 -0000
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-# This Makefile should need no changes from webwml/english/events/2001/Makefile
+# This Makefile should need no changes from webwml/english/events/2002/Makefile
 # Please send a message to debian-www if you need to modify anything, so the
 # problem can be fixed.
+MLOCAL = $(wildcard Makefile.reports)
 include $(WMLBASE)/Make.lang
@@ -14,3 +15,10 @@
 %.$(LANGUAGE).html: %.wml $(TEMPLDIR)/event.wml
        $(WML) $(<F)
+       $(ENGLISHSRCDIR)/events/ 
+ifneq "$(MLOCAL)" ""
+include Makefile.reports

It does not yet scan for the defined report, but that can be added
quite easily.

> > Those tags are used by event.wml and past_event.wml.  If you don't yet
> > know how to treat them compared to a non-defined tag, check the SPI
> > minutes.wml file.  You don't have to define guests, absents etc.
>  Thanks for the hint to the minutes.wml, but I was more thinking of how
> to include it in the <ul> at the end as an item.  I can't come up with

if defined, add the code
<a href="<report>"><gettext>Report</gettext></a>
to the header that contains When, Where and More Info at the moment.

> an idea of how to do this other than having the report link being
> included somewhere else on the events page.  No idea how to make it

Ah... yes, I'd place it to the header in that case. :-)

> still show up in the related links section if it defines a tag on its
> own in the header.  If we would have to include it by hand in the list
> at the end anyway I don't see any gain defining the tag in the file
> itself, too.

If you want to have it in the <ul> at the end, that's a little bit more
tricky, but doable as well. :-)

First find out if there is a <ul> already.
If there isn't, just create one.
If there is, modify the <ul> to write "<ul>\n<li>..." when the source
file contains the string "<ul>".  You'll just have to redefine <ul>
and refer to <ul*> for the original.



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