* Josip Rodin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-11-21 14:53]:
> On Wed, Nov 20, 2002 at 02:04:04PM +0100, Gerfried Fuchs wrote:
>> <title>DSA-xxx package</title>
>> <description>text from description tag</description>
>>  But the following would make much more sense:
>> <title>DSA-xxx package -- text from description tag</title>
>> <description>text from moreinfo tag</description>
>>  I guess that would make much more sense, it would show the
>> vulnerability shortdescription right beside the dsa name and not only
>> the package, and the people can take a look a the real description.
> Yes, but the description is long and people may not want it that way.

 It's not /that/ long, IMNSHO.

> IMHO it would be best if the current layout of a description (short) and
> more-info (long) could be kept. 

 The current layout of the rdf file is description with just the DSA-#
and the Packagename, and no moreinfo, in the description tag there is
just the short description.

 I am not sure what you mean.  The current layout is short and short.
My patch would make it short and long, just like you wrote.

 Have fun,
Gerfried Fuchs    Yb        dP d'"`b d'"`b ""8"" d'"`b d'"`b 8""" ""8""
 Sysadmin          Yb  db  dP  8   8 8   8   8   Yb.   8   8 8      8
                    E   N   T   E   R   T   A   I   N   M   E   N   T

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