
 I played a little around with straw that came into unstable lately and
while doing so a nice idea popped up that might solve the thing one of
the users requested lately:

 Currently, our entries look like follows (naive layout):

<title>DSA-xxx package</title>
<description>text from description tag</description>

 But the following would make much more sense:

<title>DSA-xxx package -- text from description tag</title>
<description>text from moreinfo tag</description>

 I guess that would make much more sense, it would show the
vulnerability shortdescription right beside the dsa name and not only
the package, and the people can take a look a the real description.

 I am willing to change that and will start directly when sending that,
locally of course.  If you object to it soon before I commit it :)

 So long,
"Es gibt in diesem Netz Gute und Böse. Wer die Bösen sind,
entscheiden die Guten." (Michael Ottenbruch in de.admin.news.regeln)

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