* Denis Barbier <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-11-14 16:31]:
> Your patch looks fine.


> No, it must go templates.pot, otherwise all files displaying "More
> information" have to depend on ports.pot

 No, sorry.  With that I was not refering to "More information". That
one should definitely go into templates, no doubt.

 I am rather refering to stings like these:
-msgid "Vendor/Name"
-msgid "Date announced"
-msgid "Clock"
-msgid "ICache"
-msgid "DCache"
-msgid "TLB"
-msgid "ISA"
-msgid "Specials"
-msgid "No FPU (R2010), external caches"
-msgid "No FPU (R3010)"
-msgid "Virtual indexed L1 cache, L2 cache controller"
-msgid "External L1 cache"
-msgid "Multiple chip CPU"
-msgid "Mips16 isa extension, No FPU, 512k flash, 16k ram, DMAC, UART, Timer, 
I2C, Watchdog"

 Apply the patch, remake the ports.pot file and do the following:

 $> cvs diff ports.pot | grep ^-msgid

 Those should go into ports rather than into templates, don't you think

 Have fun,
Also, dass du mich als Script Kiddie beschimpfst überseh ich einfach mal. Also
ich hab gelesen, dass bestimmte Backdoors auf den Source-Port reagieren und
nichtmehr auf den Ziel-Port.
                -- damn66 in "Source-Port festlegen" auf linux-community.de

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