Hi! I would like to add another translation_notes entry for german. While trying to do this I stumbled upon different things:
portuguese and swedish have the URL in between the <gettext> parts which resolves in two different parts for the translators. This could be avoided by putting the <gettext> inside the <a> tag. And for german I would reuse that, too. But then I thought: Hey, we must have another "more info" somewhere lying around and found one in template.pot. So I thought: Changing the text to "More information" and the domain to template would reduce the strings again. Unfortunately this doesn't work. The string still appears in the others.pot file instead of the template.pot. Then I investigated a little further: Added a dependency on that file to the Makefile made them appear in template.pot, too. But all of them, including the ones for the others domain. While the strings with the template domain still appear in the others.pot file. I'm out of ideas here. It seems like the wmlxgettext.pl doesn't care for the domains while extracting them. Yes, I am currently fixing that file. [...some minutes later...] Yes, that fix seems to work like a charm. It extracts the domain additionally and drops that string if it's for the wrong domain. The only "problem" that might occur with that is that each <gettext> string now _must_ have a domain. I am going to fix the ones that don't have one currently. Thanks for reading that far. For portuguese and swedish translators: Your strings get replaced with "More information" instead of "more info". I am quite sure you can live with that :) Have fun, Alfie P.S.: Fixing the rest of the files now, stay tuned for the commit. -- I don't know, chmod g+a something and the world goes crazy :) -- Craig Small, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
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