* Peter Karlsson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> [2002-08-15 09:32]:
> Robin Rowe:
>> That makes sense, but I don't see how anyone would read into that to expect
>> it to return Portugese when set to 'en-GB' only.
> Well, you can read into it that you can't expect *at all* what would be
> returned when set to "en-GB" only.

 Well, if it would *really* just send only en-GB it can be expected.
And I've seen it with e.g. "en, de" also before.  You get something like

--------------------------------> cite <--------------------------------
Not Acceptable

An appropriate representation of the requested resource /test/blah could
not be
found on this server.

Available variants:

  * blah.de.html , type text/html, language de
  * blah.en.html , type text/html, language en


Apache/1.3.26 Server at alfie.ist.org Port 80
--------------------------------> cite <--------------------------------

 This time I set it "Accept-Language: pt" *only*.  And this is really an
*only*, not an *only* as what your browser does.

 I hope this brings light into the darkness.

 Have fun,
(o)_    ,---ooO--00--Ooo---.  Signature Daemon:
(>)_  ,'   Gerfried  Fuchs  `.       --  <http://alfie.ist.org/projects/sigd/>
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