If like me, you want to install Debian from scratch and have access to a
fast internet connection + CD burner, download the 2.2r CD image files from
http://www.linuxiso.org/debian.html and burn them on CDs.
You can also get the latest "testing" (i.e. "woody release") iso images from
ftp://ftp.fsn.hu/pub/CDROM-Images/debian-unofficial/woody/ .

For more general info , read http://www.debian.org/distrib/ .
Installation manuals are available at:
http://www.debian.org/releases/potato/installmanual (stable)
http://www.debian.org/releases/woody/installmanual (testing)

It is recommended to download woody rather then potato- err, at least I
think so - someone correct me if i'm wrong... :-)

Offer Kaye
Analog Circuit Design Engineer
Oren Semiconductor
Tel: +972-4-9095555 ext. 1-309
-----Original Message-----
From: Daniel Strommen [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, December 27, 2001 12:20 AM
To: debian-www@lists.debian.org
Subject: Unidentified subject!

Hi!  I'm trying to get Linux set up on an I386 system.  I have a question
about the FTP system--what files do I need to download?  Do I need all of
the files in the /distrib/stable/main/binary-i386/ ?

Also:  your contact page is pretty cluttered.

   -Dan Strommen

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