On Sat, Sep 01, 2001 at 06:54:56PM +0000, Charles Pouliot wrote:
> I have been unable to get to http://archive.debian.org/ for a week or so. 
> My computer just hangs on trying to make a connection to port 80 (never
> completes TCP connection).  I went investigating, and noticed on your
> machines page, that saens.debian.org evaluates to the same IP as
> archive.debian.org, which is noted as crashed, but is also noted as
> "restricted."  Is archive truly down or is something in error here?

The server is down, yes, the notion of "restricted" is about who can get an
account there.

The good news is that the server has been relocated and we are in the
process of repairing it to bring it back as ftp.debian.org and

     2. That which causes joy or happiness.

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