To Debian Web Authors, While viewing any Debian web page with the multi-language links at the bottom, when my MS-IE6 browser tries to render the portion of the page showing links to other languages i.e. "This page is also available in the following languages:", I get a "IEXPLORE caused a general protection fault in module <unknown> at 0000:0001f929". [This is making it hard to read your pages!]
The problem seems to be the Korean link, and specifically the three &#nnnnn characters. I've copied the text below (inserting spaces and mangling the html in case you are using web e-mail readers and this causes you problems): {A title=Korean href="http : / / www . debian . org / contact . ko . html " } 한국어 (Hangul) {/A} Deleting only the three &#nnnnn characters stops the error from occuring. Are you able to recode your pages to work round this (presumably MS-IE) issue? I'll forward a similar message to MS if I can find a support e-mail address for them that I don't have to pay for. (I've checked the web and cannot locate this message on any web pages). My environment (if it helps is): MS-Windows98 (first edition, with all current patches) Microsoft Internet Explorer v6.0.2600.0000 ;Q312461 ;Q313675 (i.e. all current patches) I have font download disabled I'm willing to test any fix you come up with. Allan [EMAIL PROTECTED]