On Monday 30 July 2001 01:00, Martin Schulze wrote:
> Mart van de Wege wrote:
> > Folks,
> >
> > Just got a mail from Martin Shulze to debian-l10dutch. I'm currently in
> > the process of reading the www developer documentation, but Martin's mail
> > implied that I should post here to volunteer to help with the Dutch
> > translation. Am I in the right place?
> Yes, you are.  I've sent a mail to the list because only 38 pages were
> translated into dutch out of which 17 are out-dated and I haven't seen
> any action since I joined the web droids (which is some months in the
> past now). [however, I just found a trace that somebody updated some
> dutch pages in march]
> Thus, I consider Egon MIA or TOO-BUSY so we'd need somebody who could
> actually commit some time to this task.  No offence Egon, but I'd like
> to get things done.  Web pages stating "Waarschuwing! Deze vertaling
> is te oud. Lees bij voorkeur het origineel." are not nice and don't
> look very well.

I'm very busy now trying to graduate etc... BTW, my only task is to 
translate news items... that is what i offered to do, not translating the
whole site... do i did things i March (as noted) to update things a bit...
Most notably, i did include that translation version stuff then...

(No offence taken btw...) No one was working on it when i joined the Dutch
team, there was not even a coordinator... that job i took on, and i will
help Mart now... this is all i have time for now... let's hope for better
days... (or prey depending on your religion ;)

> Mart: please read http://www.debian.org/devel/website/ to find out how
> our web pages work.  For the moment please send updated pages to this
> list or to me personally until we install an account for you.


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