On Fri, Jul 27, 2001 at 11:01:55PM +0200, Denis Barbier wrote:
> Hi, i am committing a modified version of french/Pics/about.fr.gif with
> accented letter. Unfortunately, it shifts text to the bottom.
> Patrice Karatchentzeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, who made this
> modified version, suggests to replace line 23 of debbar.pl
>     $text = gimp_text($image, $layer, 9, 3, $words, 0, $antialias, $fontsize, 
> PIXELS, "*", $fontface, $fonttype, "r", "*", "*", $fontregistry, 
> $fontencoding);
> by
>     $text = gimp_text($image, $layer, 9, 1, $words, 0, $antialias, $fontsize, 
> PIXELS, "*", $fontface, $fonttype, "r", "*", "*", $fontregistry, 
> $fontencoding);
> for this specific image.
> A patch against debbar.pl is attached to allow some customization in
> pics.conf, by appending an @-sign to delimit text and options. So if
> this patch is applied, we would write
> Currently only 'y' option is supported, but it is very easy to parse new
> attributes.
> Let me know if you prefer me uploading this modified version into
> french/Pics/debbar.pl instead of patching english/Pics/debbar.pl.

As long as the patch doesn't break anything else, please use it on the
english/ version, no need to fork.

Digital Electronic Being Intended for Assassination and Nullification

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