Hi, i am committing a modified version of french/Pics/about.fr.gif with
accented letter. Unfortunately, it shifts text to the bottom.

Patrice Karatchentzeff <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>, who made this
modified version, suggests to replace line 23 of debbar.pl
    $text = gimp_text($image, $layer, 9, 3, $words, 0, $antialias, $fontsize, 
PIXELS, "*", $fontface, $fonttype, "r", "*", "*", $fontregistry, $fontencoding);
    $text = gimp_text($image, $layer, 9, 1, $words, 0, $antialias, $fontsize, 
PIXELS, "*", $fontface, $fonttype, "r", "*", "*", $fontregistry, $fontencoding);
for this specific image.

A patch against debbar.pl is attached to allow some customization in
pics.conf, by appending an @-sign to delimit text and options. So if
this patch is applied, we would write
Currently only 'y' option is supported, but it is very easy to parse new

Let me know if you prefer me uploading this modified version into
french/Pics/debbar.pl instead of patching english/Pics/debbar.pl.

Index: debbar.pl
RCS file: /cvs/webwml/webwml/english/Pics/debbar.pl,v
retrieving revision 1.13
diff -u -r1.13 debbar.pl
--- debbar.pl   2001/06/11 03:39:07     1.13
+++ debbar.pl   2001/07/27 20:42:34
@@ -13,6 +13,13 @@
        my ($words, $antialias, $fontface, $fontsize, $fonttype, $fontcolor, 
$bgcolor, $fontregistry, $fontencoding) = @_;
        my ($image,$layer,$text,$width);
        my $height = 18;
+       my $top = 3;
+       if ($words =~ s/@(.*)//) {
+               my $pos = $1;
+               if ($pos =~ m/y=(\d+)/) {
+                       $top = $1;
+               }
+       }
@@ -20,7 +27,7 @@
        $image = gimp_image_new(80, $height, RGB);
        $layer = gimp_layer_new($image, 80, $height, RGBA_IMAGE, "Button", 100, 
-       $text = gimp_text($image, $layer, 9, 3, $words, 0, $antialias, 
$fontsize, PIXELS, "*", $fontface, $fonttype, "r", "*", "*", $fontregistry, 
+       $text = gimp_text($image, $layer, 9, $top, $words, 0, $antialias, 
$fontsize, PIXELS, "*", $fontface, $fonttype, "r", "*", "*", $fontregistry, 
        $width = gimp_drawable_width($text);

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