On 10 Nov 2000 at 11:27 (+0100), peter karlsson wrote:
| brent verner:
| > that I can't understand - can you screenshot it? it is set to
| > min-width: 140px;
| I'll do that when I get home.
| > What browser are you viewing it with?
| Opera 4.

don't be surprised if it looks horrible. the only two browsers I've
see the page render _as desired_ in are moz m18 and ie5.5 -- i read
that Konqueror supports css2 and HTML4, but haven't seen it. anyone
out there running Konqueror (from kde2)? if so, would you mind
checking out debian.rcfile.org and screenshotting it for me? (thanks)

side note: i'll work on supporting other browsers at some point in 
  time, but as long as the design/layout is under revision, i'm only
  going to about what it looks like in my browser (moz >= m18) using
  html-4.01-strict and CSS.


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