On 06 Nov 2000 at 22:15 (+0100), peter karlsson wrote: | Josip Rodin: | | > Is that fixed size? I can't parse ".9em" offhand, but I'm guessing | > it's not variable because I remember setting up my fonts preferences | > to use bigger font size. | | ".9em" means "I think the user is stupid and don't know what font size | he wants to use, so I shrink it to 90% of whatever he/she thinks is the | best size".
... or maybe, "The person who hacked up the style sheet (me) was too stupid to just change the default font size in his browser." ;-) | > I've CC:ed the debian-www list (you don't have to be subscribed to post | > there BTW) so that other can see and comment on your page. | | | Immediate comments: | | 1. What does the "ANDSDS" mean (and is the S placed in the link list)? please see reply to Jossip. | 2. I like my font size, that's why I set it. The base font size should | *always* be 1em. fixed. | 3. The links on the right are unreadable because of the font size being | diminished. fixed? | 4. Why does the link bar take up half the page width? that I can't understand - can you screenshot it? it is set to min-width: 140px; What browser are you viewing it with? As I said to start with, this is (for now) only known to work in mozilla >m18. | 5. The colour scheme is nice - except for the red. ok. i nixed the red links. cheers. brent -- All opinions expressed are My own, unless otherwise attributed. In presenting facts, I expressly reserve the right to be Wrong. Portions of this message authored by Me are subject to the Free Thought License.