On Thu, Sep 21, 2000 at 02:13:03PM +0200, Marcin Owsiany wrote:
> I fully agree. I think "check_trans.pl" is a sufficient tool for the
> translators. This particular 'translation-check.wml' is however meant for
> something else. It is meant to warn the readers of the web pages, that the
> translation is out of date if, for example the translator disappears.

        Yes, that was the main idea behind it.
        The problem is that sometimes, translators lag behind, or
completely disappear, and Debian's users should be aware of the fact that
what they are viewing is not the latest information.
        Since translation is, like all work in Debian, volunteer based if,
for some reason, there are not enought volunteers to keep up with the people
publishing we should warn our users of this fact.

> > > Where check_translated would be a perl/shell script that would do the
> > > following:
> > > ------------------------------------------------
> > >    file=$1
> > >    orig_revision = CVS_revision( english/$file )
> > >    for lang in $languages
> > >    do
> > >         trans_revision = CVS_revision( $lang/$file )
> > >         if ( ( orig_revision - trans_revision ) > N 
> > >           && ( orig_revision - trans_revision ) < N+1 )
> > >      then rebuild $lang/$file;
> > >    done
> > > -------------------------------------------------

        Please note that the CVS_revision of a language might differ a lot
from the english one but be in sync.

        For example, the security/index.wml, in English: 1.38 in Spanish:
1.5 (IIRC) but perfectly in sync.
        That's where the tag's option (likewise, the <!-- translation X.X
-->) is used for.
        It might happen that the translator might not have time to update it
before (like the example above) or that the english page has changed a lot
and the translator has wait for it to stabilise.

> > 
> > Should we also add something to remove the translation altogether if it is
> > too old? This could be done by having the script send mail to debian-www
> > stating the translation is extremely out of date. Someone could then
> > remove the wml file from cvs.

        That begs the question, what is best: a translation out of date or
none at all? From my perspective I would say the first.

> Someone once proposed adding "severities" to this script. This would allow
> to vary the warning from a little note at the bottom of the page to a big
> warning in bold at the top of the page. This might be better for translation
> for that language (it's more apparent that translation needs help) than
> simply deleting the page.
> > This is an interesting approach. Sounds good to me.
> great :-)
> I'll begin implementing it.
> regards
> Marcin
> -- 

        Its great to see that people take your code (even if it's only a
little hack) and improve it :)

        Best regards


PD: I have just started working to pay my credits so I will not be able to
dedicate this much work, I'm sorry for this (but hope I can fix it soon)

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