On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 06:04:33PM -0400, James A. Treacy wrote:
> On Wed, Sep 20, 2000 at 07:15:46PM +0200, Marcin Owsiany wrote:
> > I have added the following patch to my working copy of Makefile.common and
> > converted all wml files to the new method using the following command line
> > 
> > cd polish; perl -np -i.bak -e 
> > 's/<!--\s*translation\s*([\d\.]+)[^-]*-->/#use 
> > wml::debian::translation-check translation="\1"/' `find . -name \*.wml`
> > 
> > It seems to work, i.e. the files are remade if english originals ar touched.
> > May the patch be applied to the repository? Will it break anything or will
> > it cause too much load for the machine the web site is built on?
> > 
> Can you explain the rationale for this? There is no reason for a translation
> to be rebuilt if the original version is modified. Of course, when the 
> translation
> is updated, it is rebuilt.

The idea behind translation-check.wml is that is puts a "big fat warning" on
the translated page if it is outdated.

As for the load that rebuilding of every translation of a page would cause,
I have one idea: maybe we should invert the flow of information? I mean, do
not make the translation depend on the original, instead make the original
detect if the translations are outdated and only rebuild them when

I mean something like:

%.en.html: %.wml
        $(WML) $(<F)
        $(WMLBASE)/../check_translated $(CUR_DIR)/$<

Where check_translated would be a perl/shell script that would do the
   orig_revision = CVS_revision( english/$file )
   for lang in $languages
        trans_revision = CVS_revision( $lang/$file )
        if ( ( orig_revision - trans_revision ) > N 
                && ( orig_revision - trans_revision ) < N+1 )
           then rebuild $lang/$file;

This would run wml for the translations only once, exactly when the
translation gets outdated.

what do you think? I guess the translation-check.wml is a good thing, and
the above setup would keep the load at an acceptable level.


+--------------------------------+ The reason we come up with new versions
|Marcin Owsiany                  | is not to fix bugs. It's the stupidest
|[EMAIL PROTECTED]| reason to buy a new version
+--------------------------------+ I ever heard.            - Bill Gates

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