On Wed, May 31, 2000 at 09:56:54PM +0900, Taketoshi Sano wrote:
> > Therefore, I have taken the liberty to update the web pages accordingly.
> > Editing the translations was quite simple, I don't think anything went
> > wrong, except perhaps for he Japanese translation, I really can't parse it
> > well. Please check it out (intro/free.wml and intro/license_disc.wml) and
> > correct any errors I may have done.
> I check intro/license_disk.wml, and it has
> <LI><A HREF="../misc/bsd.license">BSD style license</A>.
>         <BR>
>         <B>SUMMARY:</B> Binaries and source code must contain the license;
>                 advertising must acknowledge the developers listed in the 
> license
>         <BR>
> Is this OK ? If the "BSD style license" does not have "advertising clause", 
> should we remove the sentence above "advertising must acknowledge 
> the developers listed in the license", then ?

Hm... perhaps. The license_disc text isn't finished, anyway. :o)

> In free.wml, it seems to be enough just to remove the List Item for
> modified BSD license. I will do it later for Japanese translation of
> free.wml.

As you noticed later, I tried (and apparently succeeded in) doing that.

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