On Sun, Mar 05, 2000 at 12:32:12AM +0100, peter karlsson wrote:
> > Secondly, some of the translations aren't very good at keeping pages up to
> > date. There was a proposal a while ago on one way to deal with this.

        The problem is that maintaing translation teams is hard, even for
documentation, and updating information is also hard.

> There was a file committed to the CVS to deal with this. I haven't had time
> to look any closer on it, and I haven't see any message that it was "ready"
> for use yet.

        You might refer to template/translation-check.wml
        This was a proposal I made quite some time ago (September IIRC)
which you might find in the Mailing List.
        The idea:
        substitute the
 <!-- translation x.x -->
#use wml::debian::translation-check translation="X.X"

        If a translation goes too long without being updated (checked for in
the CVS/Entries file of the english directory it will yell:

<B>Warning!: This translations is too out of date<B><BR>

        (we could use tags here, of course)
        Currently it:

a) only checks minor numbers (if the original goes from 1.8 to 2.0 the
translation 1.1 will seem ok) this can easily be modified
b) will only yell if there have been more than 5 version changes
c) has code docummented enough to make it useful for all web developers

        My idea is we should modify the headers of translated documents to
use this, no coordinator, however, has done nothing around my proposal.

        Please note that the perl script, although tested and in working
shape, is a proof of concept and can be heavily modified.

        Best regards


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