Ask an ye shall receive. There is a test version of the new International page at If I get positive feedback, I'll replace the current international page with this one.
The main page contains some introductory text and links to the language specific pages. The content of the language pages are the complete responsibility of the each translation. Note that I'd also like to see the language pages available in English. While not strictly necessary, it will help the developers see how the different translations are coming along. This is simply done by maintaining the English version in english/international/<lang>.wml in addition to the native language one in <lang>/international/<lang>.wml Make sure the pages have links to Debian resources in your language (news groups and user groups). I'm hoping that this setup will help bring users together and strengthen the port of Debian to the various languages. Jay Treacy P.S. This directory is probably a good location for any additional pages that you may want. Please use a subdirectory though, e.g. move the chinese directory to international/chinese).