Ideally, every part of Debian, including the web site would be
available in every language. Of course, this is not likely
to happen in the near future.

I have been thinking about what the purpose of intro/international
should be and here are my thoughts. Comments appreciated.

The top of the page should give information on what is involved in
adding support to Debian for a new language. This includes links to
debian-www, debian-boot and debian-doc (any others needed?).
There will also be a link to the HOWTO_translate document.

There should be an entry for every language that Debian supports.
Support here simply means that we provide at least some Debian
documentation in that language. Every entry should give
information on the following:
 - that languages user mailing list. We should encourage every
   language to have one.
 - links to any Debian related info in that language that is not
   already incorporated into the site.
 - names and address of translation coordinators 
 - URLs for any Debian user groups that use that language
 - anything else?
These sections would be maintained by the translators.
It is
permissible to use lang= tags to add text in the section
using the relevant language for that entry.

Any comments?

Should the entries be kept only in english/intro/
and included from each translation of the intro? My concern is
everyone will be updating their own enty , but find it a pain to
deal with the other entries constantly changing. There are two
possibilities that come to mind. Each entry use slices to create
an English version and one in their native language. Thus, the
english version of the page will contain all the entries, but
the translated ones only the entry for that language. The other
possibility is to have every language include the text for their
entry twice - once in English and once in their native language.
This would mean every entry would appear in every translation
(twice in fact).

What do people think?

Jay Treacy

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