On Fri, Aug 06, 1999 at 11:59:35PM -0700, John Lapeyre wrote: > > Thanks. I am able to check things out (I also tried commit, but > with no files edited). I could not find a cvs command to see what > directories are available to check out, though. I did this by > telnetting to cvs.debian.org and looking around. It appears as if I > have to convert everything to wml , because plain html is not in the > cvs trees. I looked at some of the files there. It seems rather > complicated. I doubt I will have time to do it in the near future. > Still, I saw some perl scripts wrapped up in wml, so maybe I can do > this to my scripts. Or probably better, get them to write wml. > John > Maybe we weren't explicit enough before. Simply have your scripts generate the body of the html documents (that's everything that you put between the <BODY> and </BODY>. We'll also take care of adding the navbar to the pages). In addition, the first line should look like (using the proper title):
#use wml::debian::template title="DOCUMENT_TITLE" When we do the daily updates of the web site, your pages will automatically be converted into proper html and look like the other pages on the site. Yes, it is possible to run perl (more properly eperl) from within the wml documents, but you probably don't need it for your pages. We suggested doing it this way to make your life easier, not harder. :) Please trust us. Jay Treacy