On Sun, Aug 01, 1999 at 02:24:24PM -0400, [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> > > (I assume ENGLISHDIR would change depending on your particular language.)
> > > 
> > No. The path to the English events directory is needed because
> > the list of events is compiled from that directory. Information
> > is grabbed from a translation, if it exists, and from the English
> > version otherwise.
> > 
> > This is done so that the translations won't be missing events that
> > haven't been translated into that language. The rationale being it
> > is better to have something displayed in another language than to
> > be missing the information altogether.
> Does this mean that everyone uses the same /events/index.wml?
No. I'll use the News directory as an example since I set it up.
The list of news items for a given year is created using the
english directory:
   @files = grep { /^$match.wml$/ && -f "$eng_dir/$year/$_" } readdir(DIR);

Then, when creating the list of titles, a translated file is looked for
first, then a file containing only the translated title and finally
the english version is used. This way translations can elect to only
translate those items they have time for, but will not be missing
a listing for any news item. This is easily done with the following line:

  open(FILE, "<$year/$_") || open(FILE, "<$year/$trans_title") || open(FILE, 

I don't know how much this applies to the events section since I haven't
looked at it closely.

Jay Treacy

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