Please Joey, change the english templates so the menubar.wml file has "Noticias Semanales" instead of "Weekly News" for the item of the same name in spanish (ES:.... Umm... now that I look at it the files DOES have the item translated, however, the web page in Spanish does not include it, is there something I'm missing or did I did something wrong in the spanish templates? Or is there someting wrong... oH! Now I see.. the menubar does NOT use the tag <weeklynews> (line 183), instead it has
<A href="$(HOME)/News/weekly/">Weekly News</A></BR> Well, please fix this :) Javi PD: I am trying to keep up with the translation of the WWW site into Spanish (just translated the releases/ dir) but I have quite a lot of work and the group I made that translated it the first time has not sent me any more translations (specially of new dirs like SPI/ and such). I apologize since the spanish translation is not as up to date as it should be.